Friday, December 25, 2009

Dear So and So - 25th

Dear Santa -

Please keep the "hits" coming to my kids.  Dude, you rock.  How do you get them such awesome stuff year after year?  And please keep my 2nd grader believing in you one more year!  Like the Journey song says, "Don't Stop Believin!'

One More Year!

Dear Florida -

Ahhhhh.  I love you. 

The Former Ohio Dweller

Dear Ohio -

We'll be back when you thaw out.  Take your time.

Winter Hater

Dear Busy Season -

You're almost here, aren't you, you sneaky little "taker of all things family time?"  Let's try to be friends this year, shall we?  You release Husband a little on the weekends and I'll still take care of the kids practically solo, no matter what you decide. 

Nuthin' to be Done About It, Is There?

Dear God,

Thank you for bringing Jesus to save the world.  Much appreciated.  We will try to live up to your hope for us this coming year.

Praying for Patience Again

Merry Christmas to all and to all a Great Day, filled with Love, Laughter and Joy.

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