- Travel Route 66 - start to finish. With our family.
- Finally visit Washington DC.
- Become published.
- Write a novel. Or two.
- Be married for 50+ years.
- Raise responsible, well-educated, self-moderating, financially responsible children.
- Visit the Greenbrier every year - or close to it.
- Read 1-2 books per month per year.
- Go to Scotland.
- Go back to England.
- Hold myself to a higher standard.
- Lose 20 pounds before I turn 40.
- Keep it off until I'm old(er).
- Age gracefully.
- Don't embarass myself if I forget #13 every once in awhile.
- See Our Lady Peace in concert 20 times. #9 was in May.
- Keep learning.
You know, this isn't all of it though. Doesn't your bucket list evolve as you do? Give me 2 or 3 things that are on yours - maybe I'll add them to mine.