Wheeeeeeee! Look at me doing the guest Dear So and So post today! I am thrilled and honored that the great Kat at 3 bedroom bungalow is allowing me to be the Wo-Man today!
So head over to her place to read them. Seriously. I worked hard on these this week. I have new people to impress. And you, faithful readers, won't be disappointed for following the link. Kat is great, her blog is great, and My Dear So and So letters this week talk about rude phone callers, big butts and LOOMING SUMMER (say it with an echo, please).
Talk to ya later! And if you just popped over here from Kat's blog to see if I'm really all that, I AM, I AM, I AM!!! At least that's what I keep telling myself - you know, positive mental attitude is the first step toward . . . something or another - I'm not quite sure what, but I'm sure it's great!
You click follow on mine, I'll click follow on yours. ;)