You can STILL be the 100th follower and get your button on my sidebar for the month. Hurry and do it today, before tomorrow's marathon Friday Follow! As a matter of fact, some people on this very list today could be the lucky month long winners. Go for it!
Michelle at Flying Giggles and Lollipops gave me this award a few days ago! So nice! Thank you. Check out Michelle's lovely blog so see why getting this award from her is such a nice compliment!
In the tradition of this award, here are the rules I must oblige by in order to pass it on:
- Put the logo on your blog or within your post. Check.
- Pass the award onto 12 bloggers. Check.
- Link the nominees within your post. Check.
- Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog. Check.
- Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award. Check.
My 12 nominees of the Sunshine award are:
Jen - Laughing at Chaos - she needs a little sunshine and has been a follower and supporter from the beginning
Becca - Becca's Backyard - Becca told this girl about Friday Follow - thank you
Gayle at Gramme's Blog - she is so nice! If my parents did a blog, this would be them
Diane at Created by Diane - suh-weet is an understatement on this blog
Sonia at Adventures of Sonia - my sorority sister
Alix at Casa Hice - because I love her
Cate at Show my Face - because I love her 6 word Saturday
Kat at 3 bedroom bungalow to let in crazytown - because I love her Dear So and So
Hal at Weblog Redux - because his dry wit is hilarious and he gives great advice
Autumn at Living Out Loud - because she's a great commenter
The Professional Family Manager - because I'm a sucker for anyone who promotes the JOB aspect of parenting and running a home.
Kiesha at Highly Favored - because we just discovered each other
Miss Angie at My So Called Chaos - she gives great comments and is a relatively new blogger like me!
Wow. Doing this - the backlinking and commenting? Took a loooooonnnnnnng time. Enjoy these blogs - they are worth the gander! Plus, some of the people I thought about already had this award. If you have it already (or if I know you do) then I didn't give it to you again.
Spreadin' the love . . .