No big revelations about life today hidden in pennies. Just the usual:
- Birthday party for Oldest at a movie theatre and that freaks me out. I don't think I'm ready to leave her with one parent and I don't know how many kids in a darkened theatre. Youngest and I will be right outside the door pumpkin, don't you worry. Signed, Not a Helicopter Parent, Swear!
- Youngest - no nap for two days and she's sleeping for S**T at night due to her pacifier addiction and stuffed up nose. Vaporizer isn't helping. Me tired.
- Husband's tailgating today - probably about 8 hours worth - this might be annoying except he's taking the girls for a two hour morning jaunt while mommy does the things I haven't done during two days of no naps. Like eat bonbons. Hurray for me! Thanks to him!
- We had date night last night. Even if Youngest cried when we left, saying "please don't go to dinner wiffout me, Mommy," it was/is/will always be one of the most important things we do.
- 16 shows are logged on the DVR right now - how and when does one catch up with that? January?
- I haven't started any of my 4 remaining books to reach my lowest level threshold for the year yet. I'm sure it will be easier if I put it off a little longer.
- I haven't even started the perfectionism post for tomorrow. Talk about going to deadline. I don't work that way. I hope it doesn't reek.
Some people don't have STUFF like this in their lives. I am thankful I do. I am blessed. No matter what crazy/zany/ACK! moments today brings. I am thankful.