I am planning an extensive Super Sunday Series on what I've learned about these cycles (coming this Fall to a Blog near you), but 1) must refresh myself on it and 2) must finish those very exciting overexcitabilities. Week 3 is emotional overexcitability, which can strike fear in even the most hardy of parents. Look for it Sunday.
But I digress. Back to Oldest, and her current ebb. She's struggling right now. To get the proper visual, let's say the barrel's just been emptied of horse manure and she's stuck mucking it out. Alone. In cold weather. Yes, that's right. She's on scrubbing the bottom of the barrel this week.
I am sad for her even while she is exasperating the hell out of me. One of the things I find so hard about the school age years is that you (ok, me) never know what kind of trauma (drama?) is happening to your gifted child (or any child for that matter) while at school. You don't know that she:
- only got 3 things done on her work plan
- lost recess time for "goofing off during the work cycle"
- lost extra recess time for laughing at someone in circle time
- got a cut that required (gasp and shock!) a bandaid
- got jostled out of line by someone in gym class
- was told by another friend that they are no longer friends after she tried to jostle her way back in.
- I am the worst person EVER!
- No one calls me cute, only Youngest! It's so NOT FAIR!
And that the other secret is this - all of the things that people think are cutest in Youngest (like pulling down her pants at Panera to show a table of strangers her new Elmo underpants - really happened, could I make that up?), will become "no longer cute" in the not too distant future.
And the final secret? Cute's not what you want to be. Neither is beautiful on the outside only. It's the inside that counts. I PRAY that she's learning that from us in this beauty and material driven society. And I PRAY that I'm learning to let her fail enough to change the failures herself, and not blame others or want someone to fix it for her. But it's soooooo hard.
And what the heck? Didn't I just say yesterday that I have a super busy week? That's always when this kind of thing goes on, isn't it? I guess it's God's way of evening out our "practically perfect in every way" vacation week last week.
Sigh. We'll get through it. We'll get through it. We'll get through it.