- Take the poll to the right to share your expertise about "feeds." (And I don't mean food, I AM an expert in that kind of feed.)
- Try to subscribe to my feed right above the poll to see if it works (heh, heh, heh - isn't THAT a crafty way to get followers?). One would say YES, IT IS, but I'm guessing you're going to get an error message and I need to know!
- If you "get it" (how to do email feeds, that is) and want to help a girl out - either leave a comment and volunteer your time to the cause OR email me at msbede@gmail.com. I promise mucho wit and a personal mention (touting YOUR wonderful blog, of course!) to the altruistic lovebird who rescues this damsel in distress!
It's hard to maintain a happiness project resolution when you spend a Mother-You-Know-What HOUR on "fixing a feed" and still don't succeed!!!!!!!!!!
As always, much love. :)