Friday, January 8, 2010

Dear So and So - Angsty Edition

It's Dear So and So day!  After howling over my week's debacles, head over to Cat's site to see what everyone else is up to. 

Dear Gas bill:

$267 in December?  Seriously?  January should be F-U-N, FUN in the root canal without novacaine way.

Reply if you really, truly LIKE Winter because you and I need to have a

Dear That Puppy, Lilly:

Aren't you the cutest little thing?  I think it's so precious how you traipse around outside, in the snow, in the "haven't seen upwards of 25 degrees since last Friday" weather while I stand in it watching you.  I love how if I go back up on the deck to watch you from there, you come up with me instead of pottying.  That's dedication to your master, isn't it?  I think it's so funny how you get distracted by every dog, car, airplane, breeze, leaf, stick, horn, snow and whisper on the wind when you're outside.  I think it's equally funny that I can't distract you with a 2x4 when Youngest has her Little People on the ground and you like to pick them off, one by one by one.  Even with all your toys in the room.  See all those toys behind Youngest?  All  belong to you, That Puppy.

I wonder how much full-time residence at the doggy kennel would cost and I can't believe those people were so sad to see you go - apparently THEY aren't trying to play Little People with a two year old when you're hopping around

P.S.  Forget it, I couldn't afford full time residence - see below, you lucky girl

Dear sliding door:

So, yeah.  Saturday night was 5 degrees here, with a below 0 wind chill.  Remember?  On my 8th and second to last trip out with That Puppy Lilly, I slammed you really hard in my zeal to get back indoors.  Remember?  Then you got off track.  Remember?  Then Husband spent one minute trying to fix you and couldn't.  Remember?  Then I discovered that I could no longer close you when I went outside with That Puppy Lilly and you had to stay open while we were outside (because you wouldn't open from the outside).  Remember?  Then I had Mr. Handyman come on Monday and he informed me you weren't merely off track, you were broken, because I disintegrated your wheel.  Remember?  Then I got the new door and had it installed yesterday and you were removed in the middle of a snow storm.  Remember? 

Maybe I should be the one to recycle your glass and scrap aluminum (instead of the dumpster divers) because replacing you has cost me $1100 and counting

Dear Oldest:

I love that you offered to help pay for the door when you found out.

You are the Sweetest Girl    

Dear Dear So and So:

I love you.  I love your snarkiness.  I love your wit.  I love that sometimes people do TMI with you.  I love getting  all  some of my angst out with you. 

Much love, you

See you tomorrow, love birds!
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