Friday, January 15, 2010

Dear So and So

It's Dear So and So day!  One of my favorite days of the week to post.  Because it's FUNNY!  But this week, while a huge week for ol' Missy, hasn't been that funny.  Too much pain on a global scale.  I hope some of these shenanigans bring a moment of levity.  And head over to
Kat's place to see what other Dear So and So friends are talking about today. 

Dear Security Company #1 -

Not sorry you lost my business this week.  After the new door installation ripped you out and you quoted me at $550 to "rewire you," I called another company to see if you were ripping ME off.  You were. 

I might be a stay at home mom, but I used to be an criminal defense attorney and I know a con job when I hear one.  I could write a book about the con jobs I've listened to.  Except for the whole attorney/client privilege thing.  Drat.

Dear Security Company #2 -

I like you.  I like your $160 bill to do even more than Security Co #1 was going to charge me $550 for.  I like your special security secrets that you whispered in my ear shared with me to make me feel even happier about choosing you.  I like that you cost less per month AND that lesser fee includes the insurance Security Co #1 was trying to tack onto my monthly fee.  I think this is the beginning of a long relationship.

Feeling secure - makes a girl feel goooooood

Dear Feed Burner (tracking) -

I wish I could figure you out.  You're elusive and pesky.  You remind me of a mosquito.

Wondering how to track "feed reading people" because aren't we all stalkers  intersted in our followers so we can get to know them?

 Dear Last Night's 3 Hour Meeting -

I don't mind.  We got a lot done.  And I'm happy everyone worked as hard as they did.

Let's not make a habit of it

Dear Rabbit -

I read some of your back posts yesterday.  You've been through a lot, my new friend.  Keep up the good work.  And thanks again for the Kick A** blog design. 

Thankful and humbled, still
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