Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Technical Question Tuesday - How do you Promote?

First, let me say an official WELCOME, FRIENDS to all of the new followers from these past two weeks!  I love getting to know your blogs and I hope you are getting to know mine as well.

Every now and then I do a technical question day, because I am still a newbie to the blogosphere (I will be 6 months old on Sunday), and not only is the learning curve fast and sharp, it also changes quickly.  Sometimes this technically challenged girl needs a little HELP.  Or Helwp, as Youngest would say.

Here is my question for you - how do you promote your blogs?  What works, what doesn't?  There are so many options and not enough time for me to do them all - I'd love to hear from as many of you as possible about your favorite way.

I see Top Mommy Blogs, Panel of Moms, Technorati, Alltop, Digg, Stumble, just to name a few.  And like all of us, I have a certain amount of time I get to spend blogging every day.  When it comes to promoting and "getting it out there," I want to use my time wisely so that I can do what I like to do - work on content and read your delicious blogs.

And what are the rules about me soliciting others to sponsor me, or things like that?  I know that if I try something given to me by a company, I need to disclose, and that giveaways need to be disclosed, but I'm talking about the opposite.  Like - I ask a place to display a button or I ask a place to have me as one of their sponsors - rules to that part?  Or I ask a website to provide a link to my blog?  Rule?  Anyone?  SEC?  Bueller?

And remember all week - if YOU become my 100th follower - you get your button on my blog.  If you're without a blog, your prize will be a post about you!  If you want.  Unless you like privacy.  Which I obviously don't anymore.

Much love.  Can't wait to hear your advice.
Copyright Notice: © 2010 Gifts 2 Love | All content — including, but not limited to, the "Super Sunday Series" — are the sole property of this blog's author. | Refer to Creative Commons License below for reproduction allowances. All Rights Reserved. | Contact me at msbed[at]gmail.com for article writing, advertising opportunities and/or promotion requests. | Licensing Notice: Creative Commons License | This work by http://gifts2love.blogspot.com is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution | Non-Commercial | Share Alike 3.0 United States License.