Sunday, May 16, 2010

Super Sunday Series - Introverts, Extroverts and a BIG Announcement!

My friend over at Hippie Mommie did an excellent post about whether you're an introvert or extrovert.  Head over to her cute, fun and super peppy blog to read about it.  Then come back.  I'll still be here.  Really, I will. 

Ok, back?  Good.   

In learning about gifted children, understanding the concept of introversion and extroversion was key in our house.  We have two of each, so instead of beating my head against the wall with "the other two," I've learned to embrace their extovert-ism (is that a word?), which helps us all get along quite nicely around here. 

When we're all playing nicely, that is.  Sometimes I want to wrap up in my little introvert world and don't really feel like playing nicely, but that's a post for another day. 

Introverts vs. extroverts - it's a litttle like perfectionism - you think you know what it means, but not quite.  Being an introvert doesn't mean you love to be at home and being an extrovert doesn't mean you love being the life of a party, as hippie mommie just taught us. 

And . . . . big announcement!  Take a look at the SENG website. My first article at SENG.  I am thrilled, honored, and still wondering how in the world it happened.  But methinks me likes it! 
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